Entries by Cloud Nine College

English Only Policy

Cloud Nine College (“CNC”) English Only on Campus All students must always use English and only English while on campus at Cloud Nine College. On your first day at CNC, you will be required to sign the “English Only Policy” promise to use only English on campus. If a teacher or staff member hears you […]

Dress Code Policy

Cloud Nine College (“CNC”) Campus Dress Code (business casual, smart casual) The Cloud Nine College dress code policy is designed to help us all provide a consistent professional appearance to our school staff and colleagues. The goal is to prepare students for the workplace and not to offend customers, clients, or colleagues. CNC dress code […]

Sexual Misconduct Policy

1. Sexual Misconduct Policy Cloud Nine College does not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct and is committed to providing its students with an educational environment free from sexual misconduct and strives to prevent it and respond effectively and in a timely manner when incidents do occur. Cloud Nine College has implemented a Sexual Misconduct […]

Work Experience Policy

Students in Cloud Nine College’s Co-op programs are required to engage in job duties that are relevant to the learning objectives of the program. Co-op Work Placement: Co-op work placement is an integral component of all CNC’s Co-op programs. Placements are in Canadian workplaces unless they are pre-approved by CNC for other countries placements. The length […]

Academic Honesty

Honesty is an important standard of personal behaviour and is central to a person’s character and reputation.  All members of the Cloud Nine College community are responsible for maintaining Cloud Nine College’s character and reputation by observing commonly accepted principles of academic honesty and by refusing to participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty.  Teachers practice […]

Withdrawal Policy

If a student decides to withdraw from a program, they must provide a dated, written notice of withdrawal to the School Manager or Registrar. Refunds will be calculated according to Cloud Nine College’s Refund Policy, with the date the written notice is received used to determine any refund amount. International Students: An international student whose […]

Dismissal Policy

Dismissal Policy While attending at Cloud Nine College, students are expected to meet and adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, to maintain good academic standing, and to comply with all applicable Institution’s policies. Code of Conduct students are expected to follow includes: Cloud Nine College may dismiss a student immediately from a program on any of […]

Attendance and Lateness Policy

Students are expected to attend class regularly. They must attend 80% of their classes each session as part of the requirement to receive a credit for each course taken. If a student is absent for more than 20% of the overall study period, the official Cloud Nine College certificate will not be given. All students are […]

Student Withdrawal Policy and Procedure

Policy: If a student decides to withdraw from a program, they must provide a dated, written notice of withdrawal to the School Manager or Registrar. Refunds will be calculated according to Cloud Nine College’s Refund Policy, with the date the written notice is received being used to determine any refund amount owed. An international student […]