Dismissal Policy

Dismissal Policy

While attending at Cloud Nine College, students are expected to meet and adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, to maintain good academic standing, and to comply with all applicable Institution’s policies.

Code of Conduct students are expected to follow includes:

  • Attend school in accordance with the Attendance Policy.
  • Speak English on campus in accordance with the English Only Policy.
  • Treat all students and staff with dignity and respect.
  • Refrain from any disruptive or offensive classroom behaviour.
  • Follow the Cell Phone / Electronics Policy during class.
  • Complete all assignments and examinations on the scheduled completion dates.
  • Refrain from cheating or plagiarising in completing class assignments.
  • Ensure that outstanding tuition fees are paid.
  • Treat school property with respect.
  • Refrain from bringing any alcohol or any prohibited substances to campus.
  • Refrain from making inappropriate remarks concerning another student or staff’s ethnicity, race, religion or sexual orientation.
  • Any other conduct which is determined to be detrimental or damaging to the other students, staff members or the Institution.

Cloud Nine College may dismiss a student immediately from a program on any of the grounds listed below. This list is not exhaustive, and students should request clarification from the School Manager if they have any questions.

Unacceptable behaviours and acts:

  • Physical threat, abuse, or violence.
  • Possession or use of dangerous substance, material, or weapons.
  • Verbal threat or abuse, including emotional manipulation and sexual harassment.
  • Harassment or discrimination; promotion of hatred or remarks related to another person’s ethnicity, race, colour, religion, age, gender, marital or family status, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Possession, buying, selling or use, including being under the influence, of drugs or alcohol on campus.
  • Theft attempted or actual.
  • Vandalism, damage to or loss of property.
  • Failure to comply with safety standards.
  • Forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of any College documents or records.
  • Misuse of College property and equipment.
  • Failure to comply with the directives of staff and faculty members acting in performance of their duties.
  • Any other conduct which is determined to be detrimental or damaging to other students, staff members or the college.
Academic misconduct:
  • Cheating, plagiarism, or unapproved collaboration in completing of class assignments and examinations.
  • Unauthorized access, use and distribution of assessments or examination materials to others inside or outside of the college.
  • Submitting the same, or similar, previously produced work for which the student already received credits at another course.
  • Excessive and unsubstantiated absenteeism or lateness resulting in poor academic standing.
  • Disruptive or offensive classroom behaviour.
  • Failure to comply with the instructions or directives of the course instructor.
  • Repeated failure to adhere to the requirements of good academic standing as per the Academic Progress and Probation policy.
  • Failure to adhere to all policies, procedures, requirements, and responsibilities as per the application forms and student contracts.

Students who do not meet the expected Student Code of Conduct will be subject to the procedures outlined below, which may include immediate dismissal from Cloud Nine College, depending on the severity of the misconduct.


The procedure by which a student may be dismissed from a program:

All concerns related to student misconduct shall be brought up to the School Manager, Co-op Manager or School Director or President. Concerns may be brought up by staff, faculty, students, or the public. All complaints must be made in writing.

1. Whenever a student has repeatedly demonstrated unprofessional behaviour, against the Code of Conduct, that student will be placed on probation. The student may receive a verbal warning for the first offence; however, the incident must be documented and kept in the student file.

2. On the second occurrence, the student receives a letter of probation, where the incident is stated, and the conditions of the probation are outlined.

3. The student will be dismissed from the school when it becomes apparent that there is neither the desire nor the ability of complying with the probation terms. It is necessary to supply the student with a letter and at the same time a statement of charges. In all cases the probation and dismissal must be well documented. This means that under normal circumstances the student must have advance knowledge that dismissal is a real possibility should the student fail to meet the probation terms.

Applicable refunds will be processed in accordance with the Tuition Refund Policy. If the student owes tuition or other fees to the institution, Cloud Nine College will undertake collection of the amount owing.

Any of the following, if substantiated, will result in immediate dismissal without a warning letter or probationary period, and police will be summoned, as required:

  • Sexual assault
  • Physical assault or other violent acts committed on or off campus against any student or staff members
  • Possession or use of dangerous substance, material, or weapons
  • Cheating or dishonest academic conduct
  • Forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of any College documents or records
  • Verbal abuse, assault, or threats
  • Vandalism, damage to or loss of property
  • Theft of school property
  • Any other conduct which is determined to be detrimental or damaging to other students, staff members or the college

Concerns related to a student’s conduct shall be referred to the School Director to process in accordance with this policy.

The student has the right to appeal in writing to the School Director within five (5) business days of the decision. The appeal must be accompanied by sufficient evidence to support the dispute.

The decision will be reviewed by the Appeals Committee (School Manager, Co-op Manager, School President) and may include an in-person hearing. The School Director/President will provide a written response to the student that includes a final decision of the Appeals Committee.

All cases will be concluded as soon as possible and no later than thirty (30) calendar days after receiving the student’s written appeal notice.

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