Dress Code Policy

Cloud Nine College (“CNC”) Campus Dress Code (business casual, smart casual)

The Cloud Nine College dress code policy is designed to help us all provide a consistent professional appearance to our school staff and colleagues. The goal is to prepare students for the workplace and not to offend customers, clients, or colleagues. CNC dress code policy applies to all school staff, instructors, students, and guests while on campus.

Dress Code Policy:

• All school staff and students are expected to dress in business casual, smart casual, business attire unless the day’s tasks require otherwise

• School staff, teachers, and students must always present a clean, professional appearance and everyone is expected to be well-groomed and wear clean clothing, free of holes and tears

• Some examples of Appropriate Dress Code are:

✓ Trousers, khakis, chinos, or denim pants
✓ Knee-length skirts, Bermuda, cargo, chino, or capri shorts
✓ Blouse, sweater, or shirt
✓ Sleeveless blouse or shirt
✓ Suit, jacket, or cardigan
✓ Knee-length, professional dress
✓ Closed-toes or open-toe shoes

• Some examples of Not Appropriate Dress Code are:

✓ Flip-flops or slippers
✓ Ripped or torn clothing
✓ Very revealing clothing
✓ Shorts or mini skirts
✓ Beach and denim shorts, tank tops or strapless shirts, tank or spaghetti tops
✓ Backless or low-cut tops
✓ Clothing that promotes or advertises drugs, alcohol, or any illegal or unhealthy activity
✓ Clothing that expresses hate, malicious symbols, or statements about a person or a group of people

Dress Code Violations

Staff of students in violation are expected to immediately correct the issue. This may include having to leave campus to change clothes. Repeated violations or violations that have major repercussions may result in disciplinary action being taken up to and including termination and expulsion from the program. 

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