Dear student, please read the following plan for your upcoming trip to Canada, if you have any questions please contact our International students support email and use the subject “Arrival Plan”

Before you travel students are required to:

1. Confirm your plans with Cloud Nine College

• Students are required to complete their Quarantine (Self-Isolation)

• Speak to your homestay family about expectations, and ask if there is anything they specifically want you to bring to help you to self-isolate. If you are staying in a hotel, please contact the school to notify the special hotel address.

• Arrange a private transportation to your isolation area, if you decide to use CNC transportation services You will be informed before arrival as to who will be picking you up at the airport; it may be your host, or a driver from a transportation provider. Make sure you are clear about where you will be meeting your host or driver after arriving at the airport.

• Carry your host’s or hotel’s cell phone number or the transportation provider’s phone number –

this is important for all arrivals.

3. Self-isolating may be physically and mentally challenging for you and you should have a well thought

out plan for how you will manage and pass the time during the 14-day quarantine after arrival. Please

contact Cloud Nine College for resources.

4. Medical Check / Testing

Students who are able to obtain a medical clearance letter/certificate and a COVID-19 or antibody test

are required to bring it with them when they travel to Canada. Negative COVID-19 tests will not change

the requirement to self-isolate on arrival; this is mandatory for all travellers arriving into Canada.

5. Arrival Plans

All travellers must download and complete the Canadian government’s ArriveCAN application for

approval prior to their arrival on a paper form, web-based form or using an electronic App (available for

iPhone and Android).

In addition, the student must complete, send and print the MANDATORY Self-Isolation Plan for their

province in advance:

6. Packing

In addition to regular packing requirements, students should also bring –

• 60 disposable face masks OR 30 disposable and 1 cloth face mask

• One large bottle of quality hand sanitizer

• Box of Nitrile gloves

• Thermometer

• Art supplies and music, for activities during quarantine program

In your carry-on luggage, also bring at least 2 masks, several pairs of gloves, a travel-sized bottle of

hand-sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.

Please also make sure you have the following documents available when you arrive in your carry-on


• Passport

• Study permit or permit confirmation document (if you have one)

• Letter of Acceptance from your school

• Homestay profile and contact information, or a printed copy of your reservation, showing your

hotel name and address, and airport pickup service

• Print out of your Self-Isolation Plan

• Change of clothes for upon arrival to your homestay

Student Travel Plan:

On the day of travel, complete and sign the Declaration on Departure included in this document.

While en route to their destination, students are expected to:

• Wear a mask and gloves

• Practice Social Distancing

• Wash hands frequently

• Use hand sanitizer when necessary

• Sanitize their personal space and high-touch areas such as seat belts and tray tables

• Minimize trips to the washroom (flush the toilet with the seat cover down)

• Touch as few surfaces as possible

• Keep their cell phone charged

• Bring some food as restaurants or stores may be closed

• Bring a refillable water bottle

Student Arrival Plan:

Upon arrival in Canada the student should proceed through the airport while maintaining physical


The student must have the documents outlined under ‘Packing’ ready to provide to Canada Border

Services. The student will also be required to undergo a screening by a border services or quarantine

officer who assess travellers for symptoms.

Upon arrival at the final destination airport:

• Text your driver and/or host family or contact the hotel as instructed

• Wear a fresh mask and gloves

• Pick up baggage while maintaining physical distancing

• Exit the baggage area and go to the location you have previously arranged to meet your driver or

host family

• Load your own luggage into the car and sit as far away from the driver as possible

“Safe Arrival” Protocol

Quarantine (Self-Isolation) Plan:

As part of the Quarantine Act, travelers to Canada are required to self-isolate for 14 days. This means

that students will have to stay in their own room for 14 days and avoid contact with (keep a 2 metre

distance from) others. The homestay family or hotel will provide students with food, clean linens, a

comfortable room and access to them via text message, FaceTime and other remote communication.

Student Expectations

• Cloud Nine College will subcontract Homestay services with families that are able to follow our standar procedures in case you wish to arrange these services with Cloud Nine College.

• Stay in your room as much as possible and away from others.

• Keep your room well-ventilated and clean – open your window to let the air circulate.

• Practice good hygiene: wash your hands frequently with plain soap and water for at least

20 seconds; use a separate towel, kept away from others; cover your mouth and nose with your

elbow when coughing or sneezing, or use a tissue. Avoid coughing into either your hands or into

the air. Dispose of used tissues right away into a trash bin and immediately wash your hands.

• Use a separate bathroom if possible. Clean the bathroom regularly with household cleaning

products. Flush the toilet with the lid down. In hotels, in accordance with each hotel’s “Safe Stay”

protocols, clean the bathroom regularly with household cleaning products.

• Find some time to go outside each day; you can stay in a private place like the yard. Do not go to

school or into other public areas. In hotels, always wear a mask outside your room. When using

the hotel elevator, ask other guests to let you be alone; outside, you can stay in a private place in

the hotel patio.

• Stay connected – text, email, FaceTime with your friends and family.

• Monitor your physical and mental well-being – if you are not feeling well with symptoms that

resemble COVID-19, ask your host to help you complete an online self-assessment to determine

if you need further assessment or testing.

• Visit: – if you cannot use the online tool, call 8-1-1.

• Package up your garbage – empty garbage frequently and wash your hands immediately.

• Take care with laundry – the clothes you wore during your flight should be washed immediately

and all of your clothes should be washed separately from other people’s laundry. You will need to

wash and fold your own laundry.

• Keep your bathroom space clean and disinfected. Clean and disinfect frequently touched

surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, dressers, and other surfaces at least once a day.

• Keep your personal items (toothbrush, cups, cell phone, tablets, laptops, etc.) separate from

those belonging to others.

• Eat in your room. Your host or hotel will bring your meals to your room. Leave the dirty dishes

outside your door when you are finished. Do not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating


• Avoid prolonged periods of inactivity, try watching Yoga videos online, this will help stretch your muscles.

Students are reminded that while these instructions and protocols may seem overwhelming, they are here to remind them to be careful of their contact with others during the 14-day quarantine.

Students are encouraged to reach out to their host family for assistance.

Students are reminded that quarantine (self-isolation) is a requirement of the Quarantine Act and

is not optional.

 After arriving in Canada, Government of Canada officials will call the student to monitor compliance with the mandatory quarantine. The student must be prepared to answer calls from 1-855-906-5585 or 613-221-3100. IMPORTANT: When contacting you during quarantine to ensure compliance, the Canadian

Government will never ask you for financial information.